Laker Novice Rep Advance, News, Novice REP, 2017-2018 (Shallow Lake Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 19, 2018 | NoviceRep1 | 1794 views
Laker Novice Rep Advance
Goalie Jackson Kuhl picked up his 7th and 8th shutout  of the season  on the weekend to lead his Novice Rep Lakers to two shut out wins over West Grey  in WOAA Quarter Final action .

The first shutout came at home on Saturday as the Lakers came up with their best offensive game of the season .  Josh Edmonstone opened the scoring just 3 minutes in when he broke down the right wing and fired one high blocker side for his first of the game. The Lakers would find the net 7 more times en route to an 8-0 victory over the West Grey Warriors.  Goal scorers for the Lakers where Josh Edmonstone (4),  Kaleb Barlett (2) and Jaxon Bisson (2) with  assist going to Cameron Thomas(2), Jake Danderfield Fudge (2) , McCauley McNab (1), Bisson (1) and Edmonstone (1).

Kuhls 2nd shutout on Sunday in Ayton  didn’t come as easy as Saturday. West Grey would come out looking for revenge and apply pressure for the first 5 minutes, but Kuhl made some big saves to keep them off then board . Laker defenseman  Zac Hamilton got the Lakers going  6 minutes in when he picked up his first goal of the season on a laser from the left point that found the back of the net. The game would be back forth both ways with Kuhl coming up big several times to preserve the Lakers he lead.  The Lakers would then go up 2-0  half way thru the 2nd when Jaxon Bisson took a beauty pass from Jake Dangerfield Fudge and beat the Warriors goalie low glove side .  West Grey would continue to apply pressure but Kuhl shut the door several times and just over a minute left in the 3rd Kaleb Bartlett would find the net on a pass from Jaxon Bisson to seal the win for the Lakers.  With the win the Lakers advance to a semi final round robin against 2 teams yet to be determined.